Saturday, November 15, 2008


I love to can. Why you might ask? Especially when there is a Publix 30 seconds from my house where everything is neatly arranged on the shelves or in the freezer? It's my own therapy, kind of like baking but the results last so much longer. 

My friend Tricia also loves to can, I think secretly she loves it more than I do.  I have canned mainly fruits and preserves but we decided that we wanted to do something different....let's try canning meat.  We got a really good deal on chicken so we thought why not let's try it! 

So at 1:00 yesterday me, Tricia and our moms started to can 80 lhs of chicken. Cutting and chopping chicken, garlic, herbs and onions......

After we started the first batch in the pressure cooker, around 3 pm, I decided that with only one pressure cooker, that fits only 7 cans, we would be here all night and all day Saturday. So I quickly started calling all my friends who I thought would have a pressure cooker. Thank you Becky for letting me borrow your and especially for bringing it to me! 
Tricia multitasking!!
Yummy chicken boiling...I wish there was a way to post scratch and sniff stickers on here so you could appreciate the aroma that was in my yummy....
My photographer left to go watch the new James Bond movie and my hands were much too greasy so there wasn't any pictures of the pressure cooking, but here's what chicken looks like after you can it....actually it looks kind of gross but I know it tastes so yummy! 
Of course we would have nothing left to waste so we made our own chicken broth. They all wanted to save other parts of "yuck" but I convinced them that we didn't need to save everything....

Tricia and her mom left around 9 pm. I took the last batch out of the pressure cooker at 11:30 pm. It was a LONG day, but I love looking at the jars filled with food lined up on my counter. Ok maybe I love to look at peaches or strawberry preserves in a jar, because they are so pretty, but honestly canned chicken looks like a science experiment gone bad or those jars that have dead animals in them in science class.  


Becky said...

That's a pretty impressive factory you have going there. Peaches may look prettier, but even the chicken looks great all lined up in jars! And you finished before midnight!! I hope you got some rest today :)

Rennie said...

How long will it keep?

I'm totally impressed. Do they make a jar big enough for one of those rotisserie chickens from Publix? Canning that would be awesome! (Just kidding)

Just Jones'n said...

Hey I am sure that we could stuff one of those bad boys in a jar! I have half gallon ones that's a great idea perhaps we will try it sometime!

Just Jones'n said...
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